
來自法國的年輕插畫家Charlotte Got (Chtog) 身兼平面設計師,來台灣即將滿三年。對於這座島嶼的喜愛以及想深入挖掘另一個文化的渴望將她帶領至此。這,也是她的水彩插畫試圖呈現的主題。Charlotte熱愛漫步在大街小巷,用畫筆捕捉她雙眼所見、令她感到趣味的都市風景。



* 展覽期間開放訂購藝術家限量原作

Charlotte est une illustratrice française installée à Taiwan depuis presque 3 ans. C’est l’amour et l’envie de découvrir une autre culture qui l’a amené ici.
C’est d’ailleurs ce qu’elle essaie de montrer à travers ses illustrations et ses aquarelles. Elle aime se balader et dessiner des scènes et paysages urbains qui attirent son oeil d’étrangère.

L’utilisation de l’aquarelle et de l'encre lui permettent de traduire ce qu’elle voit et ressent en de jolis dessins doux et poétiques.


* Une sélection d'originaux est disponible à la librairie Le Pigeonnier.



Charlotte Got


« J’aime le mélange de culture qui fait la spécificité de Taiwan, et l’abondance de couleurs. Chaque coin de rue ferait un magnifique dessin ».  





Charlotte Got

藝術作品個展 Exposition Solo


2020/7/17 至 2020/8/13




藝術家座談 Rencontre avec l'artiste
2020/7/18 14:30 

Chtog 台灣速寫明信片

Cartes Postales par Chtog

明信片每張50元,如欲購買請洽門市或email : commande@llp.com.tw

En vente à la librairie ou par email (50NT/carte) : commande@llp.com.tw

Tous droits réservés à @Chtog 以下圖片版權為藝術家所有,嚴禁任意轉載
傳統建築 X 城市樓房

1. 一個活躍的傳統市場緊臨著聞名的文昌廟 ~ 文昌廟,中山區,台北市

1. One of the most lively traditional markets of Taipei, along the famous Wenchang Temple - Wenchang Temple, Zhongshan District, Taipei

2. 隱身市場之中的古廟,祭祀掌管讀書考試的神明 ~ 文昌廟,中山區,台北市

2. Temple dedicated to the God of culture and literature: Wenchang Wan. This is where students come to pray for their success in the exams. Wenchang Temple, Zhongshan District, Taipei.

3. 西門,一個活潑的地區,在台北 ~ 西門,中正區,台北市

3. Ximen, a lively district in the heart of Taipei city. Ximending, Zhongzheng District, Taipei.

4. 鄰近台北市信義區,眺望101大樓的最佳景點 ~ 象山,信義區,台北市

4. View of the city of Taipei and the famous 101 tower, symbol of the city, from the Elephant Mountain in Xinyi. Elephant mountain, Xinyi District, Taipei.

5. 內湖金面山,一個眺望台北市區的制高點 ~ 內湖區,金面山,台北市

5. Taipei city view from Jinmianshan mountain in Neihu. Jinmianshan, Neihu District, Taipei.

6. 傳統的蔬菜水果店 ~ 福德街,信義區,台北市

6. A traditional fruits and vegetables shop. Fude Street, Xinyi District, Taipei.

7. 充滿生命力與繁忙的街道 ~ 南京東路,松山區,台北市

7. A vibrant and busy street near Nanjing East Road. Nanjing East Road - Songshan District, Taipei.

8. 傳統市場的入口旁總圍繞著一些小店 ~ 廣州街,萬華區,台北市

8. The entry of a traditional market with its many small shops. Guangzhou Street, Wanhua District, Taipei.

9. 檳榔店。檳榔:台式口香糖 ~ 南港路,松山區,台北市

9. Betel nuts shop, the taiwanese "chewing gum". Nangang Road, Songshan District, Taipei.

10. 在汽車修理廠上方的鴿舍 ~ 赤峰街,大同區,台北市

10. The pigeons house, located above a car workshop. Chifeng Street, Datong District, Taipei. 

11. 路邊的有機蔬菜專門店 ~ 通安街,信義區,台北市

11. Some vestiges of an organic shop in Xinyi District. Tongan Street, Xinyi District, Taipei.


12. 南港路上的小小水煎包攤販 ~ 南港路,松山區,台北市

12. A small baozi shop on Nangang Road. Nangang Road, Songshan District, Taipei. 

13. 前面是摩托車,後面是貨車,專門用來搜集垃圾 ~ 民生東路,松山區,台北市

13. Half cart, half motorcycle, used to collect trash - Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei.

14. 街邊販賣烤香腸的攤販 ~ 435藝文特區,板橋區,新北市

14. A street vendor is selling grilled sausages in front of the 435 Art Zone in Banqiao - Banqiao 435 Art Zone, Banqiao District, New Taipei City.

15. 傳統台式小餐廳很有名的炒飯 ~ 民生東路,松山區,台北市

15. Small street shop nearby Minsheng Street. Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei.

16. 小小的熱食攤販擠身在傳統市場內 ~ 永春市場,信義區,台北市

16. Small vendor in the Yongchun traditional market in Xinyi District - Yongchun Market, Xinyi District, Taipei.

17. 百年傳承的老街,提供中醫使用的新鮮草藥 ~ 青草巷,西昌街,萬華區,台北市

17. The herb Lane. A small street running along the Longshan temple where people have come to buy tea and medicinal herbs since 1738! Xichang street, Wanhua District, Taipei.

18. 迪化街的傳統中藥舖,許多的藥材都放在一個個罐子或小抽屜中 ~ 迪化街,大稻埕,大同區,台北市

18. A traditional pharmacy with its multitudes of small ceramic pots, its many drawers. Ladies prepare the mixes at the request of customers. The smell is special. Dihua street, Datong District, Taipei.


19. 過年的傳統市場在迪化街 ~ 迪化街,大稻埕,大同區,台北市

19. The lunar new year market on Dihua street in Taipei. Dihua street, Datong District, Taipei.

20. 過年的傳統市場在迪化街 ~ 迪化街,大稻埕,大同區,台北市

20. The lunar new year market on Dihua street in Taipei. Dihua street, Datong District, Taipei.

21. 在迪化街的燈籠店 ~ 迪化街,大稻埕,大同區,台北市

21. A small lanterns shop on Dihua Street - Dadaocheng, Datong District, Taipei.

22. 大稻埕是台北市最老的街區,也是我最喜歡的地方 ~ 迪化街,大稻埕,大同區,台北市

22. Dadaocheng is one of the most old neighborhood of Taipei, and also one of my favorites - Dadaocheng, Datong District, Taipei.

23. 深坑,一個以製作豆腐聞名的小鎮 ~ 深坑街,深坑區,新北市

23. Shenkeng old street or the city of stinky tofu. Delicious delicacies found on every street corner. Be warned, it stinks ! Shenkeng Street, Shenkeng District, New Taipei City.

24. 淡水漁人碼頭,台北近郊一處安靜祥和的地方 ~ 觀海路,淡水區,新北市

24. Tamsui Fisherman's Wharf, peaceful and silent. Guanhai Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City.